
Powering the Next Generation of Inspection Solutions

Mapvision Multi-Camera Technology introduces the next level of digitization and flexibility for in-line quality inspection—providing brand new capabilities for quality management.

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Powered by Advanced Machine Vision and Photogrammetry

Multi-camera technology is a photograph-based inspection solution that creates a "visual digital twin" of the part and conducts all inspections through advanced machine vision and photogrammetry algorithms on the visual digital twins.

  • The Setup

  • Step 1: Collect Data

  • Step 2: Store

  • Step 3: Inspect

  • Step 4: Recall

01 Multi-Camera Inspection Setup

The Setup

Multiple fixed cameras are located around an enclosed inspection chamber, observing the entire part from all directions.

The chamber is illuminated with dedicated light sources that are synchronized to different cameras to provide optimum illumination while capturing photographs while the enclosed chamber eliminates the effect of the ambient light on the factory floor.

02 Collect Images-1

Collect Data and Create a Visual Digital Twin

Each camera captures images of the entire part and all features from multiple angles—providing a complete model of the part and creating a visual digital twin of the part within seconds.

Unlike conventional vision technologies, each feature is observed multiple times by different cameras during in multi-camera technology. This creates a unique capability called self-diagnostics and camera redundancy, which drastically improves the systems robustness.


Store images-1

Store the Visual Digital Twins for Advanced Traceability and Retroactive Inspection

The collected inspection data is aggregated with each part's S/N and other meta information. While the images are passed to inspection algorithms in real-time, the data is stored in a database.

Since the images provide a visual digital twin of each part, they can be recalled during anytime of the production lifecycle to conduct new inspections on the parts retroactively even after the parts are shipped.

04 Inspect

Inspect in Real-Time on the Visual Digital Twins

Machine vision algorithms detect the features defined in the inspection program and advanced photogrammetry algorithms conduct all measurements directly on the visual digital twin of the part in real-time.

Since the entire inspection process is done fully-digitally on the visual digital twin of the part, the inspection cycle time is drastically cut down to 30 seconds even for hundreds of features.

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Inspect Retroactively on Visual Digital Twins

Since the data collected represents the entire part and functions as a visual digital twin, it can always be recalled to conduct new inspections even after the parts are shipped.

You can update the inspection specifications for existing features or define completely new features and conduct new inspections fully virtually—eliminating manual sorting activities and total batch recalls.

New Digital Capabilities
to Gain Full Control over Quality

From real-time inspection, to flexibility, reprogrammability, and robustness. Multi-camera technology provides brand new capabilities that have not been available to conventional vision inspection systems—enabling manufacturers to enjoy the benefits of digitization.


Inspect Each Part for All Features

Conduct real-time inspections for all features on each part within approx. 30 seconds even for the most complex parts with hundreds of features such as cross car beams, EV battery modules, and body-in-whites.

Multi-camera technology consistently keeps the inspection cycle time under the production Takt time regardless of the number of features inspected—enabling you inspect each part for all features.


Conduct new inspections on parts that are shipped

Inspect new inspection points even after the parts are shipped by using part digital twins. Conduct sorting activities fully virtually and cut the cost of poor quality.


Manage change easily with reprogrammability

Add new inspection points and update the inspection program fully digitally via software within minutes instead of hours to handle new product variants and engineering change requests.


Achieve unparalleled operational robustness

Achieve unparalleled operational robustness and system uptime through sensor redundancy and self-diagnostics algorithms that are only possible with multi-camera technology.

Revolutionizing In-Line Inspection for Body and Chassis Components

Multi-camera technology is suitable for a wide range of welded, cast, and stamped structural components no matter how large or complex they are. From side beams and axles to cross car beams, underbodies, and EV battery modules; multi-camera technology provides unique benefits to take full control over quality and reduce costs.


  • Cross Car Beam

  • Subframe

  • EV Battery Module

  • Body-in-White (BiW)

  • Other Applications

Cross Car beam


# of inspection points

30 seconds

Inspection cycle time



# of inspection points

30 seconds

Inspection cycle time

EV Battery Module


# of inspection points

35 seconds

Inspection cycle time

Body in White (BiW)


# of inspection points

40 seconds

Inspection cycle time

Car and Truck Components

Discover More

With an average inspection cycle time of 30 seconds, multi-camera technology enables real-time inspection of all features on each part for automotive body and chassis components.

Learn More About Multi-Camera Technology

Any Questions? Contact Us.

Our team of experts and engineers are here to help. We can answer any questions you have, ranging from technology to your inspection requirements and measurement plans. Feel free to drop us a message!